
Authors should submit full paper for the conference proceedings in English. The papers will not be proof-read or revised by the organizer. Authors are responsible both for the scientific content and grammar correction suggested by reviewer or editor. All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere. The manuscript must be written in MS word accordance with the template provided. The acceptance for publication of the paper is subject to peer reviewed.


Abstract Template
Download abstract template HERE

Full Paper Template
Download general full paper template HERE

Authors of accepted abstract will be offered to submit full paper to be published (subject to peer review within the following conference journals)

Submission of Pre-Recorded Video Presentation and Live Presentation Slide of ICSSST2021

The presenter has the option of using either pre-recorded video or live presentations.

According to the conference standards, presenters must submit their video OR presentation slide for presentation.

A team of judges will evaluate the presentations, and awards will be presented to the best presenter/presentation in each parallel session.

Submit Oral Video Presentation & Slide Here

Guidelines for Video Oral Presentations

  1. Prepare a 10-minute video presentation in which you deliver in front of a camera OR using your voice over PowerPoint OR a combination of any other innovative presentation approaches. You may use two displays, one for the PowerPoint presentation and one for you as the presenter.
  2. The video should not be longer than 10 minutes. Following that, you will get 5 minutes of live Q&A during the presentation session.
  3. The video should be in MPEG/MP4 format and have high resolution (720p or 1080p)
  4. Include all pertinent information, such as the title of your article, the names of the authors, their affiliations, and your photograph.
  5. All presentations must be delivered in English.
  6. The audio commentary and the material on the slides must be presented in a clear and understandable manner.
  7. There is no background music permitted.
  8. The video may be sent using the provided URL.